Chiropractors and Federal Regulations During COVID19

Last week we were disappointed to have the state of Colorado shut us down as a non-essential business and have been fighting to get care back for our patients. Chiropractors are primary-contact healthcare providers who provide essential care, including (but not limited to) managing acute and urgent musculoskeletal conditions.…These services are critical for managing cases that otherwise could end up in emergency rooms, worsening an already difficult situation.

The Federal government has heard this and has determined that chiropractors are an essential part of the medical infratructure workforce according to an advisory memorandum dated March 28, 2020 by the US Department of Homeland Security.  This was released to help slow the rate of COVID19 while providing people with critical care and resources those in need.  It has been determined that, “chiropractors are primary-contact healthcare providers who provide essential care, including (but not limited to) managing acute and urgent musculoskeletal conditions.…These services are critical for managing cases that otherwise could end up in emergency rooms, worsening an already difficult situation.”

Currently we are awaiting revisions from our regulatory agency DORA, but hope to be able to start again providing care soon.  In the meantime, it is important to exercise and eat properly to help maintain your health and well-being.  We will keep you advised of the progress and alert you as soon as we can begin seeing patients again.

Chiropractic Care and Your Immune System

With the current state of affairs, having a strong immune system is vital.  Regular chiropractic care though can boost your immune system helping you weather through injuries and illnesses.  While it may not prevent it entirely, it can lessen the severity or the duration of the time you are feeling unwell naturally.

This is because spinal adjustments correct spinal misalignments that result in neural dysfunction. Our bodies immune system consists of proteins, tissues, organs and white blood cells working to keep us healthy. When you body is not functioning correctly, it can lead to a weaker immune system, compression of the nerve system and a lower response to viruses. But even one adjustment can help your body with an immediate immune boost because our immune system is directly related to our spine.

While you might normally associate chiropractic care with pain, there are many other benefits as well. For many years, chiropractors have observed increased immune function in people with allergy symptoms, colds, respiratory infections.  Scientific studies have verified the effect.

In addition to regular chiropractic care, you should also be getting enough sleep, eating well with fresh produce and getting regular exercise.  This helps your body improve function better and improves circulation.

In our efforts to serve the Denver community, True Form Chiropractic will remain open to help serve you during this crisis.  Call and make an appointment today!

Winter and Your Chiropractor

When it is cold outside, we often want to hunker down inside and stay warm and with Colorado having been so snowy lately, most of us are not enjoying the frequent temperature drops. But during the wintertime, it is more important than ever to make regular chiropractic appointments.

One of the main reasons is that we are more sedentary during the winter. Our new year’s resolutions of being healthy have come and gone and we hibernate with little to no ambition to workout, feeding ourselves with comfort food. This inactivity can lead to increased weight, increased injury and increased stress on our joints and spine affecting our ability to heal and recover. Visiting a chiropractor ensures that your body is performing properly which can prevent injuries from occurring.

In addition, the winter months may cause joint pain, neck stiffness, shoulder problems and achy knees just because of the cold weather. This is due to the changes in barometric or atmospheric pressure. As the air gets colder, the synovial fluid in our joints moves less frequently causing us to stiffen up. With chiropractic care, you can help make your joints move better and prevent overuse injuries.

Help beat the winter blues by visiting your chiropractor regularly, preventing injuries and keeping a full range of motion.  Reduce nerve interference and correct or reduce structural misalignments.  Be proactive this winter and schedule a chiropractic appointment with us.

Chiropractic Care is Good for the Heart

It is the week of Valentine’s Day and we are all thinking about our hearts. Caring for our hearts is important as hypertension can cause heart disease, strokes or even death.  Medication, diet, not smoking and exercise is often prescribed to lower blood pressure.  However, many prescription medications can also have side effects.

Did you know that regular chiropractic help you take care of your heart by significantly lowering your blood pressure according to a blind placebo-controlled study?  Specific chiropractic adjustments of the thoracic spine, Atlas vertebra or C1 vertebra actually have the effect of two different blood pressure medications commonly given together, yet have no adverse effects unlike medications.  The study patients were divided into three groups, the active group, the placebo group and the control group.  The active group received treatment, the placebo group received treatment with no pressure and the control group received no treatment at all. Of the patients who received the active treatment, there was an average 14 mm Hg drop in systolic blood pressure and an average 8 mm Hg drop in diastolic blood pressure. The other two groups showed no change at all. None of the patients took medication during the study.

The effect is due to the adjustment to the base of the brain which controls the muscles of the body.  It realigns the brain centers by gently manipulating the vertebra using mathematics, geometry and physics to slide everything back into place by pressure. Having this area misaligned or injured can also affect blood flow to the arteries at the base of the scull by triggering signals that cause the arteries to contract.  This may even be caused by some kind of head or neck trauma early in life. So having proper chiropractic care and the correct adjustment can even be good for your heart too.

If you would like to see if chiropractic care can help you to lower your blood pressure reducing or even eliminating your need for medication, schedule an appointment with us today.

Sleeping Through the Night with Chiropractic Care

Did you know that general chiropractic care can help you sleep through the night? While it is normally not what you think of when you think of reasons to visit a chiropractor, over one third of people have experienced the benefit of a restful night’s sleep after seeing a chiropractor. This is because chiropractic care helps your nervous center function better and regulates your sleep hormone levels inducing a good nights sleep.

Frequently being awake at night is attributable to pain.  Joint pain, neck pain or back pain can cause your sleep to be disturbed, especially when not using a good pillow or mattress. Chiropractic care can reduce the inflammation, increase blood flow and improve your ability to relax. It releases pain and tension, making you more comfortable, relaxed and enabling sound sleep.  It can even reduce stress that you are carrying to a lesser extent.

Chiropractors can also give you advice on sleep positions and proper support during the night to help you stay aligned.  This includes advise on the right pillows and mattresses.

Seeing a chiropractor can help you sleep better and even help infants and children sleep better at night.  In fact, 40% of infants sleep better after just one session with a chiropractor, letting you get a better night sleep as well.

Sleep medications are often addicting and have numerous side effects.  Seeing a chiropractor if you are having sleep issues should be your first line of treatment.  Come in and see if we can help you get a better night’s sleep now.  Just call and schedule an appointment.

New Year, New You: Exercise and Chiropractic Care

It is the new year and time to get in shape and get healthy.  Our bodies and our health require regular self-care to make us work more effectively and more efficiently and this requires time, effort and commitment.  Many of us have made resolutions to further those goals and are working to develop a healthy routine, trying to eat better and planning to exercise more.  But with all the information available, sometimes it can be confusing to figure out what that new routine should include.

We may also want to work bodies that have spent the holidays relaxing and eating poorly and may be suffering from lowered immune systems following a season of parties, travel and family and friends.  Incorporating chiropractic care into our new healthy lifestyle and exercise routines can help prevent and alleviate some of the problems that may follow, helping us retain our resolutions and build achievable goals.

Regular exercise makes your body function better.  It tones muscles, burns fat, increases flexibility and increases range of motion.  In addition, you can reduce the risk of heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure and other dangerous, potentially fatal diseases with exercise.  It also aids in weight loss, increasing bone density, reduces depression and can reduce symptoms from other ailments as well.  When your spine is properly aligned, it reduces pain in the back, neck, hips, joints and other locations around the body, as well as increasing energy and boosting the immune system.  This can help you continue your fitness goals and boost your well-being. This may help you exercise longer and have better form. There is also a lower rate of future disease, injury and a higher immune boost when you are caring for your body as part of a fitness regime.

So if you are ready to join the gym, begin a workout schedule or are just looking to get more helpful, contact us to get started.  We can help you reach your goals, make health a priority and work with you to be proactive about your body.

Happy New Year from True Form Chiropractic!!!

Give the Gift of Health and Wellness

As we bustle through the holiday season, scurrying to find the perfect present for the loved ones on our list, consider giving those you love a chiropractic gift certificate.  By providing those on your holiday shopping list a chiropractic gift certificate, you can help them achieve less stress, better health and a more pain free existence.  A the best chiropractors near 80122 will explain how spinal adjustments are used to correct any dysfunctions in the spine, which may relieve pain in the neck, back, sciatic nerve, or other joints. It may also provide a new sense of relaxation, more energy, better mental focus, improved metabolism, or better digestion.

The holidays can be a stressful time and this gift is the perfect way to let those you love know you care and will provide relief from a season of lifting, carrying and unhealthy eating.  Traveling in cars or on planes in cramped positions for long periods, sleeping on uncomfortable extra beds and carrying heavy bags can all take their toll.  Add in shoveling heavy snow when we get a ‘White Christmas” to potential issues and being around all our relatives can also mean sharing germs.  Regular chiropractic care can help realign your spine, reduce infections and lead to a better sense of well-being.

The new year is also coming quickly and that will mean New Year’s Resolutions and trips to the gym.  A new exercise regime may also created problems for people and a regular visit to a chiropractor can make that change easier and more comfortable leading to long term successes for health and fitness goals.

Give us a call to learn more about gifting those you love with chiropractic care or schedule an appointment for yourself for a little self-care to put your in the holiday spirit!

Thanksgiving Tips for Chiropractic Care

Today is the day when people settle in with friends and family, overeat and relax for a day of football.  It is Thanksgiving, a time of traditions, joy and blessings. However, the holidays can also be a time when our health gets away from us.  Having chiropractic care as part of your self-care routine can prevent many of the health problems the holidays bring.

With so many people traveling at this time of year, you can develop back pain from standing, carrying bags that are too heavy or not balanced and sitting in cramped seats without movement all of which can contribute to the issue.  Visiting the chiropractor regularly can help realign your spine and keep this from happening.

Other things you can do to help keep your back and body in tip-top form while traveling include checking your bags, keeping your carry on light and remembering to lift with your legs, not your back.  Stretch your legs and back as often as possible to help restore circulation to your legs and move as much as possible. Be sure to wear loose comfortable clothing and consider taking some ergonomic support such as a small travel pillow or rolled up towel.

People are also far more likely to exercise less and eat more than they should during this time.  This causes weight gain and lack of flexibility which can lead to joint pain.

If the structure of a joint is not right, it cannot work as it was designed to. A chiropractor helps keep your body aligned and treatment can minimize the stiffness, improving flexibility and reducing pain.  During a chiropractic visit, the chiropractor makes a complete assessment  of your medical history and performs a physical exam of every joint to determine the best treatment for you.  X-rays may also be taken.

Whatever your Thanksgiving plans, regular chiropractic appointments can ensure that your body is functioning so that you can enjoy the holiday with fewer difficulties.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we wish the very best for you and yours!

Chiropractic Care to Alleviate Depression and Anxiety

It is the time of year to gather round and celebrate. But for those dealing with mental health issues, depression and anxiety, it can be a time of stress and pain.  Chiropractic care tends to involve a mind-body approach that can help alleviate some of the physical symptoms while improving the mental ones by creating a holistic approach to the problem.

With over 40 Million adults in the United States dealing with mental health problems, depression is the leading cause of disability causing fatigue or insomnia, muscle tension or migraines, physical pain and stress.  Adjustments, diet, therapies, exercise and supplements can all assist in improving the issue.

In addition, depression can raise your blood pressure or cause panic attacks and those suffering from depression often have high blood pressure.  Chiropractic care and massage therapy can lower blood pressure helping to relieve tension and bring your body back into alignment.

There are also no side effects to chiropractic care as there would be with anxiety or depression medications.  Side effects of traditional medicines can increase insomnia or create nausea, weight gain or fatigue.  Proper chiropractic care can reduce or even alleviate the need for medication, although a doctor’s advice is always recommended before stopping any medication.

Spinal adjustments also increase positive hormone release including increasing Neurotensin, Oxytocin and Cortisol which neutralize stress pains, increase neuro-communication and bonding and block inflammatory pain.  This can also help you sleep better improving natural sleep patterns, as well as alleviate tension headaches caused by anxiety or depression improving mood.

Studies have found that after having a chiropractic adjustment, muscle activity was reduced by 25%.  This means that chiropractic care is reducing muscle tension as well and helping your body to relax.  Adding chiropractic care to your health care regime can have a positive impact on your body and mental health relieving anxiety and depression.  This safe, effective alternative to traditional medicine can also be more affordable than other forms of care.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you during the holiday season and throughout the year.

The Day of the Dead 5K: How Chiropractic Care Helps Runners

It is nearly time for Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead 5K, Sunday, November 3, in Washington Park at 701 Franklin St. This can’t miss community event is one of the top fun-runs in Denver and this celebration of life focuses on unity and tradition. Participants receive a tshirt, a finisher’s medal, food, drinks, a fun vendor village, prizes and more.

Be sure to stop by the True Form Chiropractic booth after the race too!!! Runners tend to be more prone to injuries from posture, excessive training, muscle strain and undue stress on muscles and joints. Misaligned vertebrae can cause discomfort and tightness in the back, hips, and extremities. This can affect your performance and lead to sprains or more serious injuries.

Regular chiropractic care should be included in a runner’s health regime. It’s purported to correct musculoskeletal imbalances and improve joint mobility to allow athletes to run with proper biomechanics and to prevent and treat overuse injuries. The benefits include realigning your spine and your blood flow to help improve performance, loosening your muscles and helping you with proper posture. We can also help with cupping therapy near your area, active release technique A.R.T., corrective exercises, functional fascia taping and healthy lifestyle coaching.

A little self-care now can lead to years of running and enjoyment in physical activity. Whether you are a runner hoping to prevent injury or a runner already experiencing pain, we can help you stay in peak performance.