Chiropractic Care is Good for the Heart

It is the week of Valentine’s Day and we are all thinking about our hearts. Caring for our hearts is important as hypertension can cause heart disease, strokes or even death.  Medication, diet, not smoking and exercise is often prescribed to lower blood pressure.  However, many prescription medications can also have side effects.

Did you know that regular chiropractic help you take care of your heart by significantly lowering your blood pressure according to a blind placebo-controlled study?  Specific chiropractic adjustments of the thoracic spine, Atlas vertebra or C1 vertebra actually have the effect of two different blood pressure medications commonly given together, yet have no adverse effects unlike medications.  The study patients were divided into three groups, the active group, the placebo group and the control group.  The active group received treatment, the placebo group received treatment with no pressure and the control group received no treatment at all. Of the patients who received the active treatment, there was an average 14 mm Hg drop in systolic blood pressure and an average 8 mm Hg drop in diastolic blood pressure. The other two groups showed no change at all. None of the patients took medication during the study.

The effect is due to the adjustment to the base of the brain which controls the muscles of the body.  It realigns the brain centers by gently manipulating the vertebra using mathematics, geometry and physics to slide everything back into place by pressure. Having this area misaligned or injured can also affect blood flow to the arteries at the base of the scull by triggering signals that cause the arteries to contract.  This may even be caused by some kind of head or neck trauma early in life. So having proper chiropractic care and the correct adjustment can even be good for your heart too.

If you would like to see if chiropractic care can help you to lower your blood pressure reducing or even eliminating your need for medication, schedule an appointment with us today.

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