Winter and Your Chiropractor

When it is cold outside, we often want to hunker down inside and stay warm and with Colorado having been so snowy lately, most of us are not enjoying the frequent temperature drops. But during the wintertime, it is more important than ever to make regular chiropractic appointments.

One of the main reasons is that we are more sedentary during the winter. Our new year’s resolutions of being healthy have come and gone and we hibernate with little to no ambition to workout, feeding ourselves with comfort food. This inactivity can lead to increased weight, increased injury and increased stress on our joints and spine affecting our ability to heal and recover. Visiting a chiropractor ensures that your body is performing properly which can prevent injuries from occurring.

In addition, the winter months may cause joint pain, neck stiffness, shoulder problems and achy knees just because of the cold weather. This is due to the changes in barometric or atmospheric pressure. As the air gets colder, the synovial fluid in our joints moves less frequently causing us to stiffen up. With chiropractic care, you can help make your joints move better and prevent overuse injuries.

Help beat the winter blues by visiting your chiropractor regularly, preventing injuries and keeping a full range of motion.  Reduce nerve interference and correct or reduce structural misalignments.  Be proactive this winter and schedule a chiropractic appointment with us.

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