Upper and Lower Crossed Syndrome

Upper and Lower Crossed Syndrome
Upper and Lower Crossed Syndrome has effected many of today’s society. From athletes, teachers, computer technicians or anyone who works at a computer or is glued to their phone all day has at one time or another experienced symptoms related to upper or lower crossed syndrome.

Typical symptoms of upper or lower crossed syndrome can include headaches, neck stiffness, neck pain, weakness, leg pain, low back pain, tight muscles, hip impingement and many others. But why does this happen and what can you do about it? Typically these changes occur due to overactive or (over facilitated muscles) and under active or (under utilized muscles). Most “Desk Jockey’s” who are in a rounded and forward head posture position all day tend to have increased activation of their posterior neck muscles and under activation of the deep neck flexors used for postural stabilization.

Over time this can lead to increase pressure on the cervical spine and surrounding musculature, causing a forward shift of the head into what is called an antalgic head position. If not corrected this can cause increased pressure on the neck and surrounding tissue, resulting in adhesion’s (knots) and spasms to develop and eventually causing degeneration of the cervical (neck) spine itself. Likewise lower crossed syndrome can cause similar type effects on the lumbar spine (lower back) due to the typically overactive iliopsoas muscle (hip flexor) and your erector spine (back muscles). This can cause an anterior pull on the lumbar spine and result in facet impingement in your lower back and also contribute to hip impingement syndrome.

Lower crossed syndrome

At True From Chiropractic I see patients dealing with one if not more of these problems on a daily bases. Utilizing specific chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue treatment (ART) and corrective exercises these problems can be treated and corrected over time. It is vital that patients suffering form these types of problems see a denver sports therapy chiropractor, who is qualified in dealing with these issue to help them correct these problems and prevent them from progressing. At True From Chiropractic I do just that for my patients by utilizing functional movement patterns to target the problematic area and address the cause of the problem head on. Do not wait until its to late, schedule your appointment today and get ahead of the pain with True From Chiropractic.

I hope you found this information helpful your Denver Chiropractor, Dr. Joseph Vear

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