Exercises That Can Help When You Can’t Get to the Chiropractor

Right now, chiropractors cannot be open unless it is a medical emergency.  But there are exercises that you can be doing that can help in the interim to help heal your injuries faster.

If you have neck pain, it can cause pain radiating throughout your jaw and head causing headaches and tension.  Regular neck stretches can help ease pulled muscles and improve your range of motion while releasing painful, tight ligaments.  To do a simple neck stretch, stand, keeping your neck down and your shoulders down.  Lower your chin to your chest and hold that position.  Then slowly extend your chin to the ceiling and hold that position.  Rotate your neck toward each shoulder and then lower your ear towards each shoulder holding the position.  Repeat these movements for three reps.

To ease back pain, a Child’s Pose can often help.  This pose stretches several areas including the glutes, spinal extensors and the hamstrings relieving tension and pain throughout your neck, back and shoulders.  It also promotes blood circulation.  To do this pose, sit on the ground on your knees with your hips on your heels.  Stretch your arms forward until your head touches on the ground while focusing on your breathing in slow gentle movements.  Hold this position as long as is comfortable and do not force if there is pain.

For your lower back, glutes, thighs and hips a knee to chest stretch may help.  Lie on your back and bend your knees with your heels flat on the floor.  Then draw up one knee to your chest while holding your shinbone with both hands.  Keep your spine and hips flat on the floor while you take deep breaths and hold the pose. Repeat with your other leg and then rotate five to ten times.

Another lower back exercise that focuses on your glutes is the piriformis stretch.  To do this pose, lie down on your back with your feet flat on the floor again.  Lift one ankle and place it at the base of the other thigh on the inside, put your hands behind that thigh and pull it towards your chest until you feel a gentle burn.  If it is painful, let up on the pressure a little bit.  This should be a gentle stretch.  Hold the position for a few minutes and then rotate to the other side.  Do this exercise a few reps to target the area.

To increase your spinal mobility, one of the most well-known stretches is a classic seated spinal twist.  This stretch works your back, glutes and hips.  It also helps your abs, neck and shoulders and stimulates your vital organs.  To do this exercise sit upright with your legs stretched out in front of you.  Bend your knee and cross your leg over your thigh, then cross your other leg over your other thigh positioning that foot over next to your hip flat on the floor. Reach your same arm up over behind your leg and place your hand on the floor while gently twisting your body and lifting up your opposing arm.  Repeat this exercise on the other side as well.

We hope to be open soon to help you with your alignment needs.  In the meantime, these exercises can help relieve some of your minor pains.  Stay safe and know we will be available as soon as we can be.

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