New Year – Healthier New You

A new year presents an opportunity to start with a clean slate and make meaningful changes to your life. Many people associate this time of year with starting over by creating new year goals for the coming year. A common goal many people share is to improve their health. Chiropractic care can boost your overall wellness and help you maintain your new year goals.

When people think of getting fit in the new year, the first thing that comes to mind is a gym membership, but chiropractic care is just as essential to keeping the body healthy. With chiropractic care, gentle manipulation and adjustments are used to remove restrictions, tension, and pain in the body, improving mobility and making exercise more enjoyable. A realignment of the spine and removal of tension can lead to a wealth of benefits, including restoring functionality throughout the entire body so that you can start your new year with a focus on your health goals.

Keeping your spine in alignment is very important as it is the line of communication for the body and is intricately linked to the body’s organ systems. Any misalignment can cause impairments within the nervous system, impacting immunity. With regular chiropractic care, you will be less likely to become ill, and your body will be better equipped to fight off any illness. Beginning the new year with chiropractic can help you attain your wellness goals for the year.

Working out or even daily activities can be difficult when you suffer from pain. Visiting a chiropractor can reducing pressure and tension within the body. By manipulating joints within the body, restrictions and misalignments can be corrected, relieving stress and discomfort. Chiropractic treatment also helps to prevent injury. The patients who receive routine care report less pain, fewer illnesses, and faster recovery times if they suffer any illnesses or injuries. You don’t have to start the year in pain. Make visiting a chiropractor one of your new year goals.

As you begin to work toward new health goals, consider chiropractic treatment to help kick start the year. With chiropractic treatment options and other tips, True Form Chiropractic can keep you happy and healthy this coming year.

A Chiropractic Christmas

Author Unknown

T’was the day before Christmas,
but there was no cheer.
No jingle bells jingled, no sound of reindeer.
The word had gone out that Santa was sick.
There would be no visit from jolly St. Nick.

The people were sad; no gaiety sounded.
For Christmas had come,
but Santa was grounded.
He drove down the road,
and what should he see?
But a sign for a doctor, who was a D.C.

Now Santa was not one to like a new tactic,
But all else had failed, so he tried Chiropractic.
He entered the office and saw at a glance,
in a place such as this, illness hasn’t a chance.

The office staff smiled, the music was sappy,
with all of the patients contented and happy.
In a very short time, to judge by the clock,
he was in the adjusting room, talking to Doc.

It must be the hurry, the tension and all,
I simply can’t seem to get on the ball.
Life used to be easy;
just kids, toys and whistles,
now I dodge smog, spaceships and missiles.

And Doc, take a look at the size of this pack!
Have you any idea what it does to my back?
Poor Santa was miserable and just barely able,
with the help of the Doctor, to get on the table.

The Doctor was gentle;
without a fuss or a tussle
he examined the vertebrae
and relaxed every muscle.
He spotted trouble and then with a click,
started aligning the spine of old St. Nick.

Santa felt aches and pains slipping away
and in no time at all he began to feel gay.
The air was a tingle with new fallen snow
and a healthy Kris Kringle was rarin’ to go.

As he went out the door, he threw them a kiss;
why, it had been centuries
since he felt good as this!
Then once more he shouldered
the bag full of toys,
his heart overflowing with true Christmas joys.

Merry Christmas!

Have a safe and

happy holiday.

Popped Rib Head

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a method of natural healing for those those seeking complementary/alternative health care for acute and chronic conditions. While you may first visit a chiropractor to relieve pain in the lower back or to treat sciatica, neck pain, whiplash or headache, you will find that a chiropractor views the whole person and not just the sum of your parts to optimize your health and wellness.

Chiropractors recognize that many factors affect your health, including exercise, nutrition, sleep, environment and heredity. They focus on maintaining your health naturally to help your body resist disease, rather than simply treating the symptoms of disease. When you visit a Doctor of Chiropractic, you will be evaluated including a consultation, a case history, a physical examination, a laboratory analysis and am X-ray examination. At this time, they will do a structural examination in particular your spine.

A broad range of techniques will be used to locate, analyze and gently correct vertebral misalignments in the spine. Chiropractors may use manual adjustment, electrical muscular stimulation, ultrasound or massage. They will not use pharmaceutical drugs or invasive surgery. Chiropractic is a natural method of healing that stimulates the body’s communication system to work more effectively to initiate, control and coordinate the various functions of the cells, organs and systems of the body.

If needed for your treatment, they with other healthcare professionals. But chiropractic care is effective in helping with improving pain, reducing reliance on opioid pain relievers, reducing osteoarthritis symptoms, easing headaches, improving the immune system and can often be more affordable than traditional treatments.

Want to learn more? Schedule an appointment today!

Proper Lifting Techniques for Pumpkin Patch Picking

It is fall and that means trips to the fall festivals and pumpkin patches.  But finding that perfect giant orange squash that you want to carve into a jack-o-lantern can also lead to injuries due to improper lifting techniques. Lifting can tone your body, boost your metabolism and build muscle mass, but it can also cause painful injuries.

Lifting that big pumpkin requires your body to bear a lot of weight and awkward angles which can result in injuries.  If you do injure yourself, we will evaluate you to identify the injury and its extent and then develop the most effective treatment method. We not only treat the symptoms but the cause of injuries, too.

Some of the most common lifting injuries include:

  • Back Injuries – Lifting can cause mild and chronic back injuries, especially when you lift the wrong way.
  • Shoulder Injuries – Shoulder injuries can occur after overhead weightlifting. You may only experience some pain when you raise your arms. After the condition progresses, you may feel pain even when lying or sitting.  So carrying that exhausted child on your shoulders or lifting a pumpkin up may strain those areas.
  • Knee Injuries – Knee injuries can be brought on by lifting your legs repetitively or bending over incorrectly.

To prevent injury, remember to warm up your muscles, ligaments, and tendons by stretching and light exercise. It also promotes proper blood flow, which reduces the risk of getting injured.

If you do get injured by fall fun, we can help you realign your body and reduce the risk of injury in the future.  We focus on eliminating pain and getting you back out enjoying our beautiful autumn weather as soon as possible.

Fall Chores Mean Potential Back Pain

The crisp days of falls are on the horizon as the harvests are brought in and we begin the chores that prep our homes for the cold, blustery winter to come.  People head to fall events, start fall sports and enjoy the cooler days as a respite from the summer sun heat.  However, these chores and the frequent storms that fall brings can lead to injuries, falls and back pain.  It is important to make chiropractic care a part of your routine to help prevent injuries and help with healing when you do have an injury.

Before you begin any activity, it is important to warm up your body by a few simple stretches or a short walk.  By warming up and getting your blood flowing, you prep muscles that may be underused and this can help prevent injuries.

One way you can hurt yourself is when you pick up leaves that are falling from the trees.  While as a child, it was a joy to jump in a giant pile of leaves, as an adult raking them up and bagging them can frequently lead to back pains.  Be sure to move from your waist rather than twisting your back as you rake.  When you pick up the leaves, be sure to pick up piles small enough to not strain and bend your knees as you lift them, particularly if the leaves are wet.  As you clean your gutters, make sure your ladder is secure or even have a buddy hold it steady and do not stand on the top rungs or balance unsafely.  Try to bend from the waist as you work.  Wear supportive shows and work when the weather is adequate as well.

Lifting is another way that you can injury yourself as we put away outdoor furniture and activities.  Be sure to lift with your knees rather than your back.  Get a buddy if you need help and take breaks to relieve the stress on your body.

If you are injured seriously, see a doctor immediately.  For other injuries, schedule regular chiropractic appointments to keep your body and spine working optimally and to help alleviate any strains or pains.



Back to School and Chiropractic Care

It is time for Back to School and with that comes the strain of carrying backpacks that are too heavy for our children to and from school.  While few studies have actually looked at the effects on our children, it is a known fact that carrying a back pack can lead to chronic back pain, poor posture and even difficulties in lung function.

It has been found in studies that children should carry no more than 10% of their body weight, yet frequently children in elementary, middle school, high school and college frequently carry much heavier loads.  In addition, many children complain of back pain with females and those with scoliosis reporting the highest rate of problems, while those with access to lockers reporting the least issues.  In fact, some even need to resort to medication to alleviate the pain and often pain can cause a lower activity rate.

While backpack design has little effect on how much pain children experience, there are ways to help reduce the issue besides carrying less weight.  Children should take frequent locker breaks and only carry the items needed for classes.  When lifting their backpacks it is important to lift from the knees rather than the waist to reduce the strain on the spinal cord.  They also should alternate the way they carry their backpacks if possible.

The  The American Occupational Therapy Association and the American Chiropractic Association also suggest:

  • Children should avoid carrying over 10 percent of their bodyweight in their backpack. For example, an 8th-grader weighing 120 pounds should carry no more than 12 pounds.
  • Place the heaviest objects at the back of the pack.
  • Make sure the items fit as snugly as possible to minimize back pain due to shifting weight.
  • Adjust the shoulder straps so they fit snugly over your child’s shoulders and the backpack doesn’t drag your child backward. The bottom of the pack should be less than four inches below your child’s waist.
  • Children should avoid carrying backpacks slung over one shoulder, as it can cause spinal pain and general discomfort.
  • Encourage your child to carry only necessary items in their backpack. Additional items can be carried in hand.
  • Look for backpacks with helpful features such as multiple compartments for even weight distribution, padded straps to protect the shoulders and neck, and waist belt.
  • If your child’s school allows, consider a rollerpack, which rolls across the floor like a suitcase.
  • If problems continue, talk to your child’s teacher or principal about implementing paperback textbooks, lighter materials, or digital versions.

Regular chiropractic care can also alleviate back pain from carrying a backpack and reduce spinal stress, increase joint pain and improve posture.  It is important to be consistent with care to prevent long-term issues from back pain and it can reduce the need for medication.  We can help your child feel their best.  Schedule an appointment today!

School Sports and Chiropractic Care

With over 30 million children actively participating in school sports activities like soccer, gymnastics, football, hockey and basketball, it is more important than ever that children get the proper care to prevent lasting injuries and maintain health.  In fact, sports injuries now exceed the rate of infectious disease in children with over 55% of sports related injuries coming from children 11 to 15. Many injuries that are treated in hospitals still have spinal stressors that can also lead to reinjury. Sports Chiropractor in children of all ages helps improve performance, reduce injuries and optimize their health.

Injuries can range from fractures, dislocations, lacerations and damaged tendons and ligaments to repetitive motion injuries, spinal issues and tissue injuries.  These can cause chronic health problems that will follow them through adulthood.  With chiropractic care, children can perform better and compete better, reducing the need for pain meds and enhancing performance naturally.  A chiropractor denver co will make sure their spine is properly aligned, their nervous system is working properly and address any issues that are causing problems which in turn will maximize their performance while minimizing their risks.

When treating student athletes a chiropractor will treat the whole person, and tailor a comprehensive program aimed at injury avoidance. Numerous studies support the fact that chiropractic care helps athletes achieve an optimal level of performance. A Canadian research team included chiropractic care in the rehabilitation program of 16 injured female long-distance runners. The runners recovered quickly; seven of them actually scored “personal best” performances while under chiropractic care, although there may be other contributing factors.

Schedule an appointment with us today for your children to enhance pre-competition preparation, competition endurance and all aspects of injury prevention and care coordination to help optimize their health.

Dealing with Neck Pain

Happy 4th of July, the day of the year when we all look to the sky and celebrate.  But nothing can be worse than waking up with a crick in the neck.  The pain can interfere with daily tasks and in some cases make even the most basic chore insurmountable.  But what can you do about it?

For mild pain, sometimes an over-the-counter pain killer like Tylenol or Ibuprofen can give relief.  They can help reduce the inflammation and reduce nerve pain.  More severe pains though will require a different approach.

Sometimes some basic stretching and a little heat or cold therapy will be enough to alleviate the pain.  This can help with the tension and loosen tight muscles.  Be careful to be gentle to not exacerbate the problem though and injure yourself further.  A heating pad or a topical product like Icy-Hot can help.

A massage can also be the solution to reduce muscle tension or a minor injury.  It can loosen up tight areas and rubbing the area may work out the problem.  Be careful not to press too hard though which can cause additional injury.

If these solutions don’t work, it may be time to see your local denver chiropractor near 80122.  This is the best solution for dealing with a crick in the neck.  Chiropractors align the spine to help your body repair itself and reduce injury and inflammation.  This relieves tension and promotes healing in your neck and body.  Schedule an appointment now to get in and help your body recover.

We hope you have a safe and happy 4th of July!!!

Dad Has Your Back, Now it is Time to Get His

Sunday, June 20, is Father’s Day and it is a day to celebrate dads.  They do so much for their families from providing food, to making sure your home is safe, to the heavy lifting.  Now is the time to step back and show your gratitude for everything they do.

Dad’s work hard whether at a desk job or through physical labor.  They care for the home, cars, finances, their significant others and their children.  This stress can take a toll on their bodies though.  Many dads just tough this out and they tend to be less proactive about self care.  Have you considered purchasing dad a few chiropractic sessions to show you are thankful for the things that they do?

Regular chiropractic care can help with particular health issues or just to make you feel better.  It can also prevent future problems down the line.  Chiropractic care also relieves pain and discomfort and can even minimize the body’s stress responses.  By treating the root issues of the spine, dad can achieve optimal body function which translates to a happier, healthier dad.

Plus if your dad is into sports, denver sports recovery can treat sports injuries and increase performance whether he is a runner, a golfer or even a pro athlete.  Keep him off the sidelines with regular chiropractic care.

Dad has your back, why not take care of his by giving dad the gift of health?

Springtime Gardening Tips for Keeping Your Self Aligned

Nothing makes it feel more like spring than the signs of life in our gardens with beautiful flowers and budding branches.  Gardening is usually the first burst of activity for the season and it can often lead to injuries, pulled backs and aches and pains from the awkward angles, kneeling, pulling, twisting and leaning.  It is important to prepare ourselves so that we do not injure our spine, joints or muscles.  Here are a few tips and tricks to keeping your body healthy while taking care of your yard.

  • Warm Up and Stretch:  It is always important before performing any type  of exercise to warm up your body to help reduce injury.  Take a walk, do some gentle yoga and stretch your core, back, shoulders, arms and legs.
  • Minimize Repetitive Motions:  Repetitive motions, particularly when they involve twisting or other unfamiliar movement can cause serious problems.  If you have a task that requires a repetitive motion like raking or shoveling try to keep your tools aligned with your body rather than to the side.
  • Kneel, Don’t Bend:  Purchase a kneeling pad and use it rather than bending your body at the hips or stretching your ligaments.  If you do have to bend over, make sure to keep your spine straight and hinge at the hips.
  • Lifting:  When lifting heavy planters or new trees and bushes, be sure to use your legs by squatting and lifting rather than bending your hips and lifting with your back.  Use a wheelbarrow to move thing far and never twist while lifting.
  • Rest and Hydration:  It is always important to stay hydrated in the sun.  Bring a water bottle and stop frequently to refuel your body every 15 to 30 minutes especially if it is a hot day.
  • Prevention:  If you do hurt yourself or even if you are just feeling sore or stiff, schedule an appointment with us to get in and get your body realigned.  A proper adjustment will help your body heal faster allowing you to get back outside and  enjoy the gorgeous weather again sooner.

Most of all, enjoy the springtime and the beautiful yards you will create.  We are here for you when you need us.